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In Rome, Medvedev reassures:

In Rome, Medvedev reassures: "I feel fine now".

The Italian tournament can breathe a sigh of relief. After a number of major withdrawals (Sinner, Alcaraz, Berrettini, Lehecka, Humbert...), it was still unclear whether defending champion Daniil Medvedev would take part. Indeed, the world number 4 had to withdraw from his quarter-final in Madrid, and there was no certainty that he would be able to compete in Rome.

As he begins the defense of his crown against Jack Draper (ranked 40th in the world), the Russian gave some reassuring news about his state of health: "I feel fine now. I had a minor injury, I'd say. I had three days' rest in Madrid, then I arrived in Rome and had a chance to train, and now I'm ready to play. Normally, there's no risk of the injury getting worse, so I'm going to play and see how it goes." (Interview at the press conference).

Medvedev also took the opportunity to talk to the press about his progress. Long hampered by tennis on ochre, he now seems to have a much better grasp of the surface: "Two or three years ago, when I slipped, when I hit a shot, I always wondered if I'd done the right thing, whereas now I know what I have to do. I just try to do it. [...] Last year, we found the right exercises, the right movements. We've continued this year. Once again, it's going very well. Yes, I'm happy."

RUS Medvedev, Daniil [3]
CZE Lehecka, Jiri [30]
DEN Rune, Holger [7]
RUS Medvedev, Daniil [3]
GBR Draper, Jack
RUS Medvedev, Daniil [2]
Daniil Medvedev
5e, 6295 points
Jiri Lehecka
23e, 1685 points
Holger Rune
13e, 2700 points
Jack Draper
39e, 1131 points
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“First he takes your legs, then he takes your soul.”
4 thumb_up
Idemo Idemo
This win might be the exactly what the doctor ordered
4 thumb_up
Idemo Idemo
He, as well as his father, truly believe he is better than he is. It would behoove him to learn some humility. As for his father...he should have cut that cord years ago.
3 thumb_up
Christine N Christine N
No panic, no antics, no gamesmanship. Just game. So good to witness.
3 thumb_up
Christine N Christine N
Go Coco
3 thumb_up
Md Foizer H. Md Foizer H.