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A great enthusiast, Wawrinka has no plans to retire just yet:

A great enthusiast, Wawrinka has no plans to retire just yet: "Just because you're getting older doesn't mean your passion has to disappear".

Somewhat like Andy Murray, Stan Wawrinka displays impressive strength of character. Despite a steadily declining level of tennis and some very disappointing results, the 39-year-old Swiss doesn't seem intent on putting away his rackets.

A true enthusiast, the man now ranked 89th in the world explains: "I think it's important as an athlete to set goals. I also know that the goals I had ten years ago are not the same today. I think it's also a good example for young people, you want to show them that just because you're getting older doesn't mean your passion has to disappear.

You have to remember that when I started playing tennis, it was about the game, playing with my friends, being passionate and enjoying it, and that's still the case. I think it's for young people who want to dream of that to understand that whatever you achieve, whatever your age, wherever you are, you have to do what's right for you."

Stan Wawrinka
98e, 628 points
Andy Murray
75e, 728 points
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“The GOAT will remain the GOAT, regardless…” I love it. Well said and very true.
7 thumb_up
Idemo Idemo
bro America sucks Djokovic is literally losing at a grand slam and they’re not broadcasting it on any channel here and they wonder why there’s no good American tennis players for the past 20 years wha
6 thumb_up
TroickiWithCancer TroickiWithCancer
“First he takes your legs, then he takes your soul.”
4 thumb_up
Idemo Idemo
Definitely 4 or so more slams
4 thumb_up
zprime128 zprime128
This win might be the exactly what the doctor ordered
4 thumb_up
Idemo Idemo