I completely agree, Jozef, with you diagnosis, but I suspect that Novak is reason.
KuroSavail y a 1 heure
Medvedev has a point. So now you can negotiate your sentence and make sure it doesn’t impede you from playing any grand slam. Sanctions à la carte.
Max45il y a 5 heures
Playing Tennis requires skill and mental toughness and I don't understand what drugs matter?
B Ravi kumaril y a 7 heures
It is way too much for a player who did nothing wrong but WADA had to prove a point after the mess with the Chinese swimmers
gabriele pil y a 10 heures
If you read into it properly. In Sinners case the Italian product labelling for the cream/spray in question had not been updated properly and so there had been a spate of similar incidents with Italian athletes since the rules changed. There's the argument that although the athlete is responsible for their teams actions that in this case the employee was not entirely to blame either. I agree fully lack of transparency issue etc, but this is nothing like the Halep case where she accidentally contaminated herself
bogbot.tcil y a 11 heures
Lifetime ban perhaps for GOAT + jail? I think they will maka it " SERIOUS"