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Badosa : "Alcaraz est une personne très sympathique et très humble

Je ne pense pas que nous réalisons à quel point il va être incroyable."

Paula Badosa
113e, 662 points
Carlos Alcaraz
3e, 8130 points
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anstjdgnszza anstjdgnszza
Go for it Novak just one more... Ok two more, we need that little Olympic badge, don't we?
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Fred Phoesh Fred Phoesh
Daria, for the title & trophy ✌️
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Come on Leylah you really need this one
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Thandiswa Thandiswa
He will not even make it past the quarterfinals. Then he will blame the injury he felt so food about. 😅🤣😂
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Richard R. Richard R.