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Federer: "My career seems so far away".

Roger Federer was the guest on BBC Breakfast this Friday. This was another opportunity for the former world No.1 to talk about his feelings as a "retiree" and give his views on current tennis.

Surprisingly, the Swiss player seems to have distanced himself from his professional tennis career, only 2 years after officially retiring. So much so, in fact, that he's already finding it hard to imagine having achieved the feats he did.

Roger Federer: "I was watching the French Open last week and thought 'Wow, they're so good - was I doing this before?!

I feel so far away from my career. I'm starting to forget the things I've done, the records. It's more a beautiful past that's part of my path.

I've had a great life and it's good to have taken this distance.

The transition (to retirement) went smoothly. I think after being injured (knee/meniscus) and then with the Covid pandemic, it allowed me to stay home for more than three weeks at a time.

I'm happy to have stayed in shape, I'm going to the gym, I'm continuing my rehab because I want my knee to get better."

Il y a 3 jours
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Roger Federer
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Andy seems ready to retire to me. I would expect him to go after Wimbledon. I deeply wish he could regain form, win tournaments still, but i just sense his desire has ebbed enough to stop him progres
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Jelena blows
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ashylarrymp ashylarrymp
Ajla, for the win ✌️
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Nice drop and roll for Jannik!! Grass stains.
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Christine N Christine N
Congrats & well played Arthur 🇬🇧👏👌
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane