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Le tirage au sort de Wimbledon 2022 aura lieu ce vendredi à 10h (11h en France)

Le tirage au sort de Wimbledon 2022 aura lieu ce vendredi à 10h (11h en France)

Retrouvez les tableaux dans la foulée sur TennisTemple.

Il y a 22 mois
TT Admin Publié par TT Admin
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I don't think Rafa thought of this as a revenge match. I think he is playing against himself more likely. Just trying to build on each match he plays and hoping he stays pain free.
3 thumb_up
Christine N Christine N
The 👑 Rafa is back, a great win in two straight sets. He played magical today in the magic box of Madrid in front of another 👑, the King of Spain.💪👏👌
2 thumb_up
Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Mirra of course
1 thumb_up
ashylarrymp ashylarrymp
Vamos Rafa ❤️
1 thumb_up
Sabah_Kazmi Sabah_Kazmi
Future is now.
1 thumb_up
Christine N Christine N