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Le tirage au sort des tableaux de simple de Wimbledon aura lieu ce vendredi

Le tirage au sort des tableaux de simple de Wimbledon aura lieu ce vendredi

La cérémonie déutera à 10h00 (11h00 Fr.) au All England Club.

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I don't think Rafa thought of this as a revenge match. I think he is playing against himself more likely. Just trying to build on each match he plays and hoping he stays pain free.
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Christine N Christine N
Let's go GOAT
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Andre Schettini Andre Schettini
Hopefully that will motivate Rafa to get his revenge 🤞🏻
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Planet E. Planet E.
Stick to tennis
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Trickykid Trickykid
The 👑 Rafa is back, a great win in two straight sets. He played magical today in the magic box of Madrid in front of another 👑, the King of Spain.💪👏👌
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane