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Marathon chez les Juniors à Wimbledon ! Jack Draper s'est qualifié pour la finale en battant Nicolas Mejia 19-17 au 3ème set après 4h24.
Nicolas Mejia
291e, 195 points
Jack Draper
43e, 1106 points
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When Elina wins, she wins in straight sets. When Aryna wins, she wins in 3 sets. That's quite a thing. Let's see if this steak continues 😋
4 thumb_up
Sabah_Kazmi Sabah_Kazmi
I like both ladies! Polar opposites! like then just the way they are! Play on ladies...may the best player of the day win!!
3 thumb_up
zayityosef zayityosef
Cracking match, well played ladies.
2 thumb_up
devfek devfek
This is the best rivalry in women's tennis IMO, hard to pick a winner,but I'll go for Elina on this occasion..
2 thumb_up
devfek devfek
Come on, 1GA. Prove it!
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Sabah_Kazmi Sabah_Kazmi