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Insolite - Berrettini won't be supporting Germany at the Euro:

Insolite - Berrettini won't be supporting Germany at the Euro: "Supporting the German team might be a bit much".

Matteo Berrettini is back in business. Absent from the courts since April, he had an impressive tournament in Stuttgart. After three solid victories, he qualified for the semi-finals, where a compatriot, Lorenzo Musetti, awaits him.

Very happy to be playing so well so quickly, the Italian colossus made no secret of his delight at the press conference. But that's not all. He also talked about the European Nations Championship, which kicks off this Friday in Germany. All smiles, he explained that he wouldn't be watching this Friday's match (Germany's against Scotland), but would certainly be watching Saturday's match, as Italy are on the programme (against Albania, 9pm): "I think Germany are playing tonight... (laughs). Sorry guys, but I'd rather watch tomorrow's game (laughs). I love Germany, but supporting the German team might be a bit much (laughs).

But yes, tomorrow's the big kick-off. Good luck to the team and the guys. Three years ago, we had some wonderful memories during this period, so we have to hope and see what happens."

ITA Musetti, Lorenzo [5]
ITA Berrettini, Matteo [PR]
Matteo Berrettini
65e, 795 points
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Andy seems ready to retire to me. I would expect him to go after Wimbledon. I deeply wish he could regain form, win tournaments still, but i just sense his desire has ebbed enough to stop him progres
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Jelena blows
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ashylarrymp ashylarrymp
Congrats & well played Arthur 🇬🇧👏👌
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Hi doesn't deserve Top 10
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Tejas B. Tejas B.
Well played Marketa 👏 👌
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane