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Murray injured again?

Murray injured again?

Andy Murray was forced to retire this Wednesday in the 2nd round of the Queen's. Leading 4 games to 1 in the first set after 22 minutes of play by Australia's Jordan Thompson, the two-time Wimbledon winner (2013, 2016) was forced to abandon the match.

Apparently suffering from a back injury, the Brit preferred not to take any risks. He left the court to a standing ovation from the spectators, who were well aware that their champion might be playing in the tournament for the last time.

Be that as it may, this is potentially a new blow for Murray after his sprain in Miami at the end of March. All the more so with Wimbledon less than two weeks away.

Il y a 10 jours
TT Admin Publié par TT Admin
AUS Thompson, Jordan
GBR Murray, Andy [WC]
Andy Murray
115e, 548 points
Jordan Thompson
39e, 1206 points
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anstjdgnszza anstjdgnszza
Go for it Novak just one more... Ok two more, we need that little Olympic badge, don't we?
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Fred Phoesh Fred Phoesh
Daria, for the title & trophy ✌️
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Come on Leylah you really need this one
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Thandiswa Thandiswa
He will not even make it past the quarterfinals. Then he will blame the injury he felt so food about. 😅🤣😂
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Richard R. Richard R.