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Nadal ready for battle:

Nadal ready for battle: "I hope to win a medal".

Rafael Nadal's schedule continues to take shape. After making it official at Wimbledon, in order to preserve his body, he confirmed that he had planned to play in Bastad in order to prepare as well as possible for the Olympic event.

Clearly as ambitious as ever, the Majorcan has made no secret of the fact that he will be going to Paris to play the leading roles: "In sporting terms, I try to play the tournaments that my body allows me to play. What I'm really looking forward to is preparing for the Olympic Games.

If all goes well, I'll be playing in the previous tournament in Sweden (Bastad). I'm really looking forward to the Olympics, it's my last chance and I hope I can win a medal."

With statements like these, there's every reason to believe that 'Rafa' is continuing to approach his very best level, and his presence at the Games is clearly likely to raise the level of competitiveness of the event even further, in both singles and doubles.

Rafael Nadal
261e, 215 points
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Top des commentaires comments
Andy seems ready to retire to me. I would expect him to go after Wimbledon. I deeply wish he could regain form, win tournaments still, but i just sense his desire has ebbed enough to stop him progres
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Jelena blows
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ashylarrymp ashylarrymp
Ajla, for the win ✌️
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Nice drop and roll for Jannik!! Grass stains.
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Christine N Christine N
Congrats & well played Arthur 🇬🇧👏👌
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane