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Monfils can't wait to challenge Wawrinka:

Monfils can't wait to challenge Wawrinka: "We're playing because we simply love it".

This will be one of the most eagerly awaited duels of the second round. Gaël Monfils and Stan Wawrinka will meet this Wednesday in a vintage duel that will inevitably remind us of the golden age of the "big four", when both were among the few players capable of challenging them.

When asked about it, 'La Monf' made no secret of his impatience: "It's cool to play 'Stan the man'. He's my buddy, but more than that. He knows I have a lot of admiration for him. He's helped me a lot with a lot of things. Whatever happens, I know I'm going to enjoy myself.

He knows we'll have a laugh. I've never played him on grass. Do you manage to surprise yourself? Yes and no. It's up to the one who manages to keep the other off balance. It's up to me to vary my choices, but he'll do that too.

When we play with friends with whom we train a lot, it comes down to a few different choices. We're a long way from our prime, but we're going to do everything we can to keep playing. We play because we simply love it. We feel good about what we do.

We may have lower goals, but we've got the gas to give some of the players a run for their money. I'm older, but I love playing! I defend myself.

You get the impression that you don't have the right. And Stan too, Grand Slam winner, older than me, it's beautiful. I love watching him play.

SUI Wawrinka, Stan
FRA Monfils, Gael
Gael Monfils
33e, 1260 points
Stan Wawrinka
95e, 633 points
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Come on Jacob. Save tennis
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Darren Christi Darren Christi
Knock him out Jacob!
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SylviaLaSalle SylviaLaSalle
Another Qualifier, wow...he couldn't have asked for a better draw
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misskjj79 misskjj79
Interesting, no comments or predictions from the regulars.......yet!
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StAdam StAdam
Once again.......TENNIS IS SAVED!
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StAdam StAdam