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Zverev explains:

Zverev explains: "My father taught me the Spanish way".

Alexander Zverev, who challenges Casper Ruud this Friday in the semi-finals of the French Open, has regularly been criticized for his wait-and-see attitude on the tennis courts. Although he possesses undeniable offensive abilities, the German often lets himself get caught up in lengthy points, playing the windscreen wiper at the back of the court. Quite astonishing for a player who measures almost 2 metres (198cm/6'6") and weighs 90 kilos (198 lbs).

But this surprising tactical option owes nothing to chance. It has its origins in Zverev's youth, when his father, who has always been his coach, pushed him to develop the athletic qualities he has today. This is what the world No. 4 explained to us, not without a sense of humour, after his victory over Alex De Minaur in the quarter-finals (see video below).

Alexander Zverev: "I'm lucky, I have a coach who is my father, who couldn't care less how I feel. So, ever since I was 3 years old, he's been telling me 'run this way, run that way, run for 4 hours straight'. And he sometimes forgets that I'm 2 metres tall and can also hit serves at 230 km/h (143 mph).

But he's definitely taught me the Spanish way (laughs). Run after everything and put the ball back in the court. And sometimes that pays off. I'd like to be more aggressive in my game sometimes, but if I win, I'm happy. I'm in the semi-finals and that's all that matters."

Il y a 23 jours
TT Admin Publié par TT Admin
NOR Ruud, Casper [7]
GER Zverev, Alexander [4]
GER Zverev, Alexander [4]
AUS De Minaur, Alex [11]
Alexander Zverev
4e, 6905 points
Casper Ruud
8e, 4025 points
Alex De Minaur
9e, 3830 points
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It was a fantastic match and Grigor played extremely good at the time but the force that turned the match was very visual and spelled Nadal. Winning over Rafa in a slam has proven a near impossible ta
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Daniel N. Daniel N.
Come on Leylah you really need this one
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Thandiswa Thandiswa
Not that he was facing that stiff of competition, but after winning Eastbourne I wonder if Fritz, seeded 13th, actually has a better chance at going deep into W than 4th seed Zverev.
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SH321 SH321
Congrats & extremely well played Taylor, a nice win in straight sets, to collect the title & trophy 👏👏👌
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Take this first set, Diana!
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anstjdgnszza anstjdgnszza