Ukraine's Oleksandra Oliynykova forced to withdraw sponsorship from Florianopolis
Oleksandra Oliynykova, Ukrainian player ranked 297th in the world, was the victim of an unusual situation. During her first round at the WTA 125 tournament in Florianopolis, the tournament supervisor demanded that she remove her advertising logo "".
This is a web page where people can make donations to the Ukrainian army. Her team responded in a statement: "Under current WTA rules, you can advertise a bank or an expensive watch.
But you can't for a charity fundraiser for drones, medicine or cars for a country suffering from the insidious and inhumane aggression of a mad neighbor.
We've decided to accept the WTA's demands and temporarily remove the logo from Oleksandra clothing, but not because we agree with this decision."
This is all the more controversial given that this first-round match pitted her against a Russian, Alevtina Ibragimova. Oliynykova won the match 6-4, 6-0.