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Murray to undergo surgery to play Wimbledon!

Murray to undergo surgery to play Wimbledon!

Andy Murray is a stubborn sort. While he is experiencing a very difficult 2024 season, crippled not only by poor results but also by a very brittle physique, the Scot is not losing sight of his goal: to play at Wimbledon and the Olympic Games.

So, after being forced to retire with a back injury in the last 16 of the Queen's tournament (against Thompson, 4-1 ab.), the former world number 1 decided to undergo surgery.

Determined to take part in Wimbledon, Murray seems ready to do whatever it takes to compete one last time at the London Grand Slam.

Can he do it? Find out in the coming days...

AUS Thompson, Jordan
GBR Murray, Andy [WC]
Andy Murray
115e, 548 points
Jordan Thompson
39e, 1206 points
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Hmmm wouldn’t go that far. Slightly arrogant lol
2 thumb_up
samiruffsankey samiruffsankey
Injury? that be a shame at this time.
1 thumb_up
A-Christel Vogt A-Christel Vogt
Taylor, for the win & advance to the Final ✌️
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Wimbledon should have waited a couple of weeks. Billy might not have needed the wildcard after all.
0 thumb_up
BicesterTennis BicesterTennis
Extremely well played Billy 🇬🇧, a great comeback after loss of 1st set, to get the win & make the semi final 👏👌
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane