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Bon anniversaire à Lleyton Hewitt, qui fête aujourd'hui ses 34 ans
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“The GOAT will remain the GOAT, regardless…” I love it. Well said and very true.
7 thumb_up
Idemo Idemo
bro America sucks Djokovic is literally losing at a grand slam and they’re not broadcasting it on any channel here and they wonder why there’s no good American tennis players for the past 20 years wha
6 thumb_up
TroickiWithCancer TroickiWithCancer
“First he takes your legs, then he takes your soul.”
4 thumb_up
Idemo Idemo
Definitely 4 or so more slams
4 thumb_up
zprime128 zprime128
This win might be the exactly what the doctor ordered
4 thumb_up
Idemo Idemo