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Mythical - Djokovic's brilliant interview:

Mythical - Djokovic's brilliant interview: "If you've got parties planned, I'll come!"

Novak Djokovic qualified for the last 16 of the French Open on Saturday, after a crazy match played in a crazy atmosphere. This Saturday, or rather this Sunday morning, as the match ended with the clock ticking past 3 o'clock, after 4 and a half hours of battle against Lorenzo Musetti in the Parisian night (7-5, 6-7, 2-6, 6-3, 6-0).

Delighted by the moment he had just lived through and by its outcome, the world number 1 offered the spectators still present on Court Philippe Chatrier one of the most brilliant interviews of his career on the microphone of Alex Corretja. He concluded by inviting the whole stadium to party with him rather than go to sleep.

Novak Djokovic (to the audience, in French): "I try to speak in French because you deserve it. First of all, great respect and congratulations to Musetti for this great battle. It's a shame he lost. But a player on the court had to lose tonight... or this morning (laughs).

But I told him at the end of the match that it was incredible, really a great battle. It's a shame, because he was so close to winning. I was a bit lucky at the start of the 4th set, because he was the best player on the court at the time. It was a moment when I had no solution to his game.

He was 'impenetrable' on the court. He really was. Everything he did, he did with very high quality. He made far fewer mistakes. So I was in real trouble.

I said before that you (the spectators) deserved me to speak in French, and you deserve a big thank you because you gave me energy at 2-2 in the 4th set. And, at that moment, I became a different player. So, thank you, thank you, for the support (he blows a kiss to the audience).

It's incredible that you stayed. What time is it? 3 a.m.? I see a lot of kids. (addressing one of the children in the audience) You need to sleep my friend, what are you doing here? You're too young. (to another child) You're too young too.

No, really, thank you. Thank you with all my heart. It was perhaps one of the most beautiful games I've played here, with, I don't know, with everyone's excitement. Thank you very much indeed.

And, now, who's going to sleep now? It's really impossible to sleep now. With all the adrenaline. If you have any parties planned, I'll be there! (Corretja: Me too!). Come on! Let's do it!"

Il y a 18 jours
TT Admin Publié par TT Admin
SRB Djokovic, Novak [1]
ITA Musetti, Lorenzo [30]
Novak Djokovic
3e, 8360 points
Lorenzo Musetti
30e, 1380 points
Alex Corretja
Non classé
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Top des commentaires comments
Andy has withdrawn, Most sensible decision he's made this afternoon, to be honest. Sad to see the match end this way. 😢
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Andy is clearly struggling with an injury atm, so why carry on & aggravate it even more, especially with Wimbledon coming up 🤔
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Congrats on your win Ginger Ninja 👏👌
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Elena, for the win & make the semi final ✌️
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
I knew he’d do it. Brilliant!!
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Trickykid Trickykid