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Cursed, Badosa must withdraw from the Olympic Games:

Cursed, Badosa must withdraw from the Olympic Games: "It's a very difficult decision for me".

Even though she's returning to a slightly higher level of play, Paula Badosa is still struggling with her back. As a result, the Spanish player was forced to make a difficult decision. In view of the rather abrupt change of surface that the arrival of the Paris Olympics will require (from grass to ochre), the former world number 2 preferred to skip the Olympic event.

This is what she announced, with a heavy heart, on social networks: "Due to my current situation with my injury, I unfortunately won't be able to go to the Olympic Games, which I was really looking forward to. It's a very difficult decision for me.

Because of the schedule and the surface changes, my back can't take the load. I would have liked my professional situation to be different, but since this injury, I've had to steer my career in a different direction and give up things that are very important to me. I have no choice but to accept it."

All we can do now is hope that weed does as well for her as she seems to hope.

Paula Badosa
115e, 662 points
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Andy seems ready to retire to me. I would expect him to go after Wimbledon. I deeply wish he could regain form, win tournaments still, but i just sense his desire has ebbed enough to stop him progres
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Jelena blows
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ashylarrymp ashylarrymp
Congrats & well played Arthur 🇬🇧👏👌
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Hi doesn't deserve Top 10
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Tejas B. Tejas B.
Well played Marketa 👏 👌
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane