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King of Paris, Alcaraz praises his clan:

King of Paris, Alcaraz praises his clan: "We're a family".

He's done it. At just 21 years of age, Carlos Alcaraz has just triumphed at Roland Garros. After a tense, physical match, the Spaniard finally overcame a combative Zverev to claim the long-awaited title. With stars in his eyes, the prodigy from El Palmar particularly emphasized the role of his clan and family in his success on the court.

First and foremost, the man who will be number 2 in the world on Monday was keen to praise his German opponent: "I really want to congratulate Sacha on a great start to the year. It's incredible the level you've reached and all the hard work you put in every day. I know that you go the extra mile every day and every time you step on the court. I think I'm fully aware that all the moments and trials you've been through with the injury on this court and all the work you've put in to be able to come back at such a high level today and reach this final, in this way, it's really been incredible.

It's been an incredible journey. I'm sure that if tennis gives you the chance, and I believe it will, you'll come back and win this tournament and other Grand Slams. So keep up the good work and congratulations!"

Clearly delighted after his victory, Alcaraz dwelt at length on his team's role in his success: "It's been a long and difficult job. For months, we battled with my injury. I had to come back, I came back to Madrid and I didn't feel very well right away, and the following weeks I was full of doubts when I arrived here.

I hadn't spent much time on the court. I'm really grateful to have a team like this, to have all these people around me. I know that every member of my team gives their all to help me progress as a player and as a person, and to help me develop. In fact, it's like a family."

GER Zverev, Alexander [4]
ESP Alcaraz, Carlos [3]
Carlos Alcaraz
3e, 8130 points
Alexander Zverev
4e, 6905 points
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Alycia, for the win & make the main draw ✌️
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Fantastic performance from the 15 year old 👏
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PhilTT PhilTT
You could have easily taken this match when it was 3-0 in the 2nd set, jess... Restart! You got this!
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anstjdgnszza anstjdgnszza
Great win for Katie there
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Dave S. Dave S.
Can Rad turn the screw now?
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