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Sinner makes short work of Dimitrov in the first set!

Sinner makes short work of Dimitrov in the first set!

So far, it's been a disappointing clash. Faced with a confident Dimitrov, the Italian has so far gone it alone, winning the first set very comfortably (6-2 in 36 minutes).

Faced with a very shaky Bulgarian, the world number 2 produced a near-perfect performance. Very solid in the exchange, he made his opponent suffer enormously, finding plenty of length.

Much better than in his previous matches, Sinner is making his mark. Dimitrov is going to have to wake up and offer a lot more if he doesn't want to go out the back door without having had a chance.

BUL Dimitrov, Grigor [10]
ITA Sinner, Jannik [2]
Jannik Sinner
1e, 9480 points
Grigor Dimitrov
10e, 3775 points
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Andy has withdrawn, Most sensible decision he's made this afternoon, to be honest. Sad to see the match end this way. 😢
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Andy is clearly struggling with an injury atm, so why carry on & aggravate it even more, especially with Wimbledon coming up 🤔
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Congrats on your win Ginger Ninja 👏👌
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Elena, for the win & make the semi final ✌️
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
I knew he’d do it. Brilliant!!
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Trickykid Trickykid