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Terence Atmane narrowly escapes disqualification at Roland-Garros

Terence Atmane narrowly escapes disqualification at Roland-Garros

On Sunday evening, France's Terence Atmane was eliminated in the first round of the French Open after losing to Sebastian Ofner (3-6, 4-6, 7-6 [2], 6-2, 7-5). The match was marked by an incident in which a frustrated Atmane sent a ball into the stands, hitting a spectator. Despite this gesture, he only received a warning. Ofner expressed his incomprehension: "There are people who have been disqualified for less than that."

Atmane, 22 and ranked 121st in the world, had started his match well on Court No. 6, leading two sets to nil with a break lead in the third. However, mistakes and often unnecessary discussions with the umpire gradually caused him to lose his advantage. At 4-1 in the fourth set, Atmane sent a ball into the stands, triggering ten minutes of uncertainty and refereeing debate. The spectator who was hit certified that the gesture was not intentional, thus avoiding the Frenchman's disqualification. The referee only gave Atmane a warning, thus provoking Ofner's incomprehension.

In the end, Atmane left the tournament after a poorly negotiated end to the fifth set. The spectator who was hit was no longer there to witness the epilogue, having slipped away before the end of the match.

Il y a 30 jours
TT Admin Publié par TT Admin
FRA Atmane, Terence [WC]
AUT Ofner, Sebastian
Terence Atmane
125e, 521 points
Sebastian Ofner
54e, 883 points
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Top des commentaires comments
Everyone will have there GOAT. Mine will always be Nadal. So glad I had the opportunity to watch him for almost his entire career
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sdholly5 sdholly5
Oh nooo. What happened? Such a shame after his amazing tournament last year
1 thumb_up
Belinda S. Belinda S.
Baftă in continuare!
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florinso florinso
Bama Otto!
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Ossian S. Ossian S.
Daria, for the win ✌️
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane