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tom29460  Tennis Together
J ai lu le dernier texte qu'il a fait "ça m'énerve grave "ou il dit qu il sent la mort arriver et que ça le fait chier car il sait que ça fera tellement plaisir a d autres et qu il aurait aimé ne pas mourir avant eux . juste après l avoir lu je tombe a la télé sur finkielkraut qui déverse son venin encore une fois de plus sur lui... La Vie est une péripathéticienne !
Xsidy  Les fans du tennis belge
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Didn't Madison just do that at the Australian Open???
damalie.daniel damalie.daniel il y a 1 heure
very well put, and agreed!
ad6771 ad6771 il y a 1 heure
Must be really frustrating for Nick to be passed by these young guns. 🤣
ad6771 ad6771 il y a 2 heures
I guess Riley played hooky the day they taught thinking in school. Let's compare the ticket-selling numbers for top doubles teams vs Opelka snooze fests. His giant brain might develop some humility once it computes the results.
BirchBark BirchBark il y a 3 heures
"We won't be able to play consistently for many years, week after week". What does Swiatek think Nadal, Federer, Djokovic and Serena Williams were doing for so many years?
pb8ch pb8ch il y a 4 heures
He needs a pin point serve to hold serve like Federer or Djokovic
Max45 Max45 il y a 6 heures