Sur wiki : Au lendemain du Masters de Paris sont qualifiés pour l'événement les huit joueurs ayant accumulé le plus de points durant l'année en cours. Si un vainqueur de Grand Chelem figure entre la neuvième et la vingtième place au classement, il prend la place du joueur qualifié en huitième position.
But what I don't understand, why did Elena want him back in the team. I hope she has a few friends who help her in the situation
zarriil y a 2 heures
Confused by this story till I remembered it’s a French app
ThingsViralil y a 2 heures
"To the point where he got physically close to her, he started taking selfies and then hugging her." Unless she was consensual to the hugs it was a gross violation of her personal space. And any nutcase guy that would do that to any woman needs to be kept at bay.
SH321il y a 3 heures
Well said!!!!
Reggie Gusil y a 17 heures
Jack Draper has not won 9 ATP 500 titles in a row
Fred Phoeshil y a 17 heures
Old guys have bad days more and more often the older they get. Expect more of this in the near future.
On a eu 2 fois le cas avec Clijsters et Raducanu