Old guys have bad days more and more often the older they get. Expect more of this in the near future.
SH321il y a 24 minutes
But, maybe he was waiting to get the opportunity & it's better to be safe than sorry, as no one wants a repeat of what happened to Monica Seles in 1993, when she was stabbed in the back as she sat down at a changeover.
Aladdin Saneil y a 1 heure
Yes well put!
samiruffsankeyil y a 1 heure
It's those hyperwestern grips, people ! Common sense... oh well
bodhi01il y a 2 heures
Didn't Madison just do that at the Australian Open???
damalie.danielil y a 5 heures
Must be really frustrating for Nick to be passed by these young guns. 🤣
7/6 7/5 !