But what I don't understand, why did Elena want him back in the team. I hope she has a few friends who help her in the situation
zarriil y a 1 heure
Confused by this story till I remembered it’s a French app
ThingsViralil y a 1 heure
"To the point where he got physically close to her, he started taking selfies and then hugging her." Unless she was consensual to the hugs it was a gross violation of her personal space. And any nutcase guy that would do that to any woman needs to be kept at bay.
SH321il y a 2 heures
Well said!!!!
Reggie Gusil y a 16 heures
Jack Draper has not won 9 ATP 500 titles in a row
Fred Phoeshil y a 16 heures
Old guys have bad days more and more often the older they get. Expect more of this in the near future.