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Djokovic :

Djokovic : "Je suis gêné par l'attention que j'ai attirée

J'espère qu'on va maintenant pouvoir se concentrer sur ce tournoi que j'aime."

Novak Djokovic
3e, 8360 points
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Nicely played Bianca, a good win to progress to the Final 👏👌
1 thumb_up
Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
@AlladinSane you may be better off with the old version tbh
1 thumb_up
PhilTT PhilTT
Karolina, for the win & make the Final ✌️
1 thumb_up
Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
The rain cant let me keep watching the match! 😭🌧 Tomorrow it is.
1 thumb_up
Kurapika K. Kurapika K.
Anna, for the win ✌️
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane