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John-Patrick Smith et Arina Rodionova ont décroché leur ticket pour l'Open d'Australie en remportant les play-offs australiennes
John-Patrick Smith et Arina Rodionova ont décroché leur ticket pour l'Open d'Australie en remportant les play-offs australiennes.
John-Patrick Smith
Non classé
Arina Rodionova
103e, 743 points
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He, as well as his father, truly believe he is better than he is. It would behoove him to learn some humility. As for his father...he should have cut that cord years ago.
3 thumb_up
Christine N Christine N
No panic, no antics, no gamesmanship. Just game. So good to witness.
3 thumb_up
Christine N Christine N
Easy now to see why he's a favorite. And Carlos too.
3 thumb_up
Christine N Christine N
Sinner looks extremely calm, cold as ice and the other guy looks and acts like the main character of a circus.
3 thumb_up
Kurapika K. Kurapika K.
Go Coco
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Md Foizer H. Md Foizer H.