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La saison sur terre battue démarre à Cordoba

Après sa finale en 2020, Schwartzman (n°9) est le principal favori et vise son 4ème titre ATP.

Diego Schwartzman
163e, 377 points
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Interestingly, the stats are all on Osaka’s favour. She should have won.
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Satoshi O Satoshi O
@AlladinSane you may be better off with the old version tbh
1 thumb_up
PhilTT PhilTT
Jack 🇬🇧, for the win & make the Final ✌️
1 thumb_up
Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Surpassing 24 slams looks something kinda doable. Surpassing 14 RG seems something impossible. Really.
1 thumb_up
EmilianoDTH EmilianoDTH
Anna, for the win ✌️
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane