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L'Autriche mène 2 à 0 face à l'Australie ! Thiem et Novak se sont respectivement imposés face à Thompson et De Minaur

Dominic Thiem
131e, 496 points
Dennis Novak
207e, 295 points
Jordan Thompson
36e, 1156 points
Alex De Minaur
11e, 3490 points
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Sinner looks extremely calm, cold as ice and the other guy looks and acts like the main character of a circus.
4 thumb_up
Kurapika K. Kurapika K.
No panic, no antics, no gamesmanship. Just game. So good to witness.
3 thumb_up
Christine N Christine N
Easy now to see why he's a favorite. And Carlos too.
3 thumb_up
Christine N Christine N
Jeet and Frank, are you guys talking about Francisco?
3 thumb_up
StAdam StAdam
Good to see that Sinner finally showed up 🤣
2 thumb_up
Pieface Pieface