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Zverev is no longer on trial: an out-of-court settlement has been reached!

Zverev is no longer on trial: an out-of-court settlement has been reached!

Just before his Roland Garros semi-final against Casper Ruud, Alexander Zverev has, against all expectations, been relieved of his legal worries. As a reminder, the German player was accused of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend Patea, dating back to 2020. According to our German colleagues at "Die Welt", the appeal proceedings, which began in Berlin a few days ago, came to an abrupt end. An out-of-court settlement has been reached, bringing the "Zverev affair" to a close.

Clearly, no admission of guilt has been obtained, and Zverev has emerged from the affair in the clear, at least officially. Constantly proclaiming his innocence in press conferences, the 1.98m player had, from the outset, shown great confidence in the outcome of the trial. As a result, the Olympic champion can look forward to the end of the tournament with a more or less clear conscience: German justice has had its way with him.

As for the details of the settlement, "Die Welt" reveals that the 27-year-old will have to pay €200,000 in legal fees, of which €50,000 will go to charity. In addition to this sum, there will of course be compensation paid to his ex-girlfriend, the amount of which is not yet known.

Although the case is officially over, it's not hard to imagine that there will still be plenty of reactions. Some will probably see this decision as a recognition of Zverev's innocence. That said, others are likely to see this out-of-court settlement as irrefutable proof of his guilt.

One thing's for sure: the debate will continue to rage among aficionados of our sport!

NOR Ruud, Casper [7]
GER Zverev, Alexander [4]
Alexander Zverev
4e, 6905 points
Casper Ruud
8e, 4025 points
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Top des commentaires comments
Hmmm wouldn’t go that far. Slightly arrogant lol
2 thumb_up
samiruffsankey samiruffsankey
Injury? that be a shame at this time.
1 thumb_up
A-Christel Vogt A-Christel Vogt
Taylor, for the win & advance to the Final ✌️
0 thumb_up
Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Wimbledon should have waited a couple of weeks. Billy might not have needed the wildcard after all.
0 thumb_up
BicesterTennis BicesterTennis
Extremely well played Billy 🇬🇧, a great comeback after loss of 1st set, to get the win & make the semi final 👏👌
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Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane