Au GP du Japon, Sutil part en tête à queue au virage 7, et, apparemment, Bianchi serait sortit au même endroit. Aucune image de l'accident, une ambulance sur la piste, course stoppée, visage des pilotes grave et pas de champagne.
They know who this Psycho is, they know his face. Women should never feel this way in their place of work and of course there is a HUGE PROBLEM. This individual has enough money to follow Emma to continent to continent. Not a tennis fan, just a criminal.
⭐ Joy Boy ⭐il y a 9 heures
Old guys have bad days more and more often the older they get. Expect more of this in the near future.
SH321il y a 10 heures
It's those hyperwestern grips, people ! Common sense... oh well
bodhi01il y a 12 heures
Didn't Madison just do that at the Australian Open???
J'y connais rien mdr