J'suis d'accord avec Insomnia ! Battle Royale je l'avais regardé il y a pas mal d'années déjà, mais j'avais adoré ! :)
Hunger Games, assez bizarrement j'ai beaucoup aimé le premier et pourtant j'ai jamais eu envie de regarder le 2ème, faudrait quand même que je le vois un jour :p
They know who this Psycho is, they know his face. Women should never feel this way in their place of work and of course there is a HUGE PROBLEM. This individual has enough money to follow Emma to continent to continent. Not a tennis fan, just a criminal.
⭐ Joy Boy ⭐il y a 15 minutes
Old guys have bad days more and more often the older they get. Expect more of this in the near future.
SH321il y a 57 minutes
Yes well put!
samiruffsankeyil y a 2 heures
It's those hyperwestern grips, people ! Common sense... oh well
bodhi01il y a 3 heures
Didn't Madison just do that at the Australian Open???
damalie.danielil y a 5 heures
Must be really frustrating for Nick to be passed by these young guns. 🤣
Hunger Games, assez bizarrement j'ai beaucoup aimé le premier et pourtant j'ai jamais eu envie de regarder le 2ème, faudrait quand même que je le vois un jour :p