I'm not sure why this eccentric chap equates baldness with a circus but it is a bit insulting and a bit primitive to hold that opinion.
Fred Phoeshil y a 2 minutes
Lol, higher you climb, the harder the falls. Crybabies saga continues...
Not a great champion, but a sore loser and a cheater imho. ***on her titles.
Glad igo crybaby... got put in her place again.
Lakbkil y a 42 minutes
Well played USA!
Jozef Poniatowskiil y a 5 heures
The prednisolone wasn’t quite on the right setting…
samiruffsankeyil y a 7 heures
Nick should try and win a Grand slam,if he can,otherwise his talk of how talented he is, is just that, talk.